After placing your order, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to you to inform you about your purchase. This way you will be certain that we received your order and that we will design, produce and carefully examine the doll to successfully meet your every demand.

Personal preferences are the consisting idea behind the creation of Bedollz Real Sex Dolls. We ensure our customers that the purchase of a Bedollz Real Sex Doll comes with excessive high-quality standard testing. Before products leave our factory, they are being tested for any malfeatures or damaging. Keeping that in mind, as well as the personalized utility of each product, we do not provide a return service for any customer. In case there is malefaction or damaging of the Bedollz Real Sex Doll, noticed right after receiving your order, you will be provided with the necessary restore videos, as well as tools to repair your Doll.

There is no Cancellation after placing and approving an order.

Product cancellation is permitted prior to the product’s production and shipment. We ensure that after acceptance of the cancellation request, the customer will receive a full refund. Unfortunately, after confirmation, there is no option of order cancellation.

Making our clients happy is the reason we create our products with care on the details. To make certain that you have the best experience with Bedollz Real Sex Dolls, we will assist you, through our customer support service, prior or after placing your order.

If there are any changes you want to apply concerning the details or customization options of your Bedollz Real sex doll purchase, please send us an immediate reply on the confirmation e-mail and we will reply to your request and update the order in 48h.

Don’t think twice and ask for our help at any time at

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